Friday, October 10, 2014


Delivering excellent results is one of the goals of Celtic Commercial Painting. Surface preparation is a key component of excellent results. To get the results that we want to deliver to our customers, we use the EcoQuip 100. 

Many projects require the use of some type of sand or other media blasting to prepare the surfaces for refinishing, painting or coating. The EcoQuip company makes vapor abrasive blast equipment that not only provides us with environmentally friendly equipment as well as the results our clients require. Their products are used in a variety of situations, from outdoors along busy streets to indoor, high humidity, conditions.

EcoQuip technology uses 1/3 less media than similar systems, which in turn means there is 97% less dust to have to protect other equipment in the area from or to clean up later. Also, traditional blasting methods can warp, impinge or pit the metal surfaces being cleaned. Using EcoQuip minimizes these effects and reduces the need for additional repairs. 

We are also able to mix in additives, depending on the project goal. For instance, in high humidity or wet areas, we add in rust inhibitors. These inhibitors protect the freshly cleaned metal surfaces before other coatings are applied.